set gArticles = [["Partwork"], ["pic", "partwork", "cutting", "pic", "pic"]]
set gDates = [[], [0, " ", "The Times, Oct 25, 1984"]]
set gName = getat(["Dirac"],1)
Although Dirac and his parents were born in England, he came from a Swiss-French background. His grandfather, Louis, was a minor poet in Switzerland#Dirac's discovery of the positive electron promptedthe German physicist Max Born to say "Physics as we know it will be over in six months". Born meant that Dirac had uncovered the secrets of the universe - he was wrong, of course#At the age of 29, Dirac was elected to the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University. A previous occupant was Isaac Newton, and the present occupant is Stephen Hawking, author of A Brief History of Time#Dirac's research raises the possibility there may exist entire anti-universes, mirrors of our own. But we can never visit them. As Stephen Hawking has said: "If you meet your anti-self," he says; "don't shake hands. You would both vanish in a great flash of light!"#At the height of the Cold War in America, Dirac was refused entry into the United States. Dirac had visited the Soviet Union before the war #Almost all of Dirac's major work was completed by the time he was twenty-six. Although he held the Lucasian chair of mathematics from 1932 until 1968 he never repeated the splendid successes of his early work#Particles and anti-particles are always formed or annihilated in pairs. Physicists believe that the first second of the universe was dominated by the wholesale annihilation of particles and anti-particles, producing an enormous mass of energy#Electrons and anti-electrons are formed when gamma rays from space hit the upper atmosphere